Lexi Hutton

Dear Families of WWII Veterans Community,

I wanted to take a few minutes to send out another huge thank you, and appreciation for your continued support and the Scholarship this Valentine’s Day. It’s helping to make all of my dreams of becoming a teacher possible.

I have already finished five of the seven criteria needed to be completed to qualify for the education field. I am working on the English course and volunteer hours at the children’s center this semester. That should enable me to apply for admission to the Teacher Education courses over the Fall semester. I recently received an invitation to join a lifetime membership of National Society of Collegiate Scholars, which sounds very impressive, and such an honor. Nominees must have a 3.4 GPA and be in the top 20 percent of their respective class.

Just wanted you to have an update on how positive your contributions have been to me and my family, so again I want to say thank you.

Lexi Hutton
Winona State University, Winona, MN