James Edward Sell

1916 - 2007
Uncle of Careington owner, Dr. Martin Rinker

By trade, James was a chemical engineer, but it was his unique artistic skills that served our country in a way no other serviceman could. During the invasion, James was reassigned from Normandy to create accurately scaled drawings of German artillery shells.

Those in command saw the need to educate the ordinance about specific artillery being used against our soldiers. This reassignment could very well have been what saved his life.

"Families of World War II Veterans is important because these people saved the world! They risked everything for you and me. You lose the words to appreciate such things. Every veteran will tell you they are not the hero, the real heroes never came back. I'm an American! I got to grow up here and was bequeathed this beautiful country by women and men who sacrificed their lives. We are such beneficiaries of their sacrifices and we should appreciate it."

Dr. Martin Rinker

James Edward Sell. Uncle of Careington owner, Dr. Martin Rinker.